leadership, teacher-leader, basic theories of leadership, leadership qualities, facilitationAbstract
The article analyzes the main psychological theories of leadership and considers the theoretical aspects of the manifestations of leadership qualities from the standpoint of the psychology of the teacher. The relevance of the stated theme of the phenomenon of leadership in teaching is due to a new look at the role of teachers in the educational space, the implementation of reforms of the New Ukrainian School (NUS). As a result, there is a need for a new approach to understanding the role of the teacher and his personality. It is extremely important at the present stage of development of education in general to ensure and promote the comprehensive development of the student’s personality. The problem of the role of the teacher in the modern school and the individual educational trajectory of the child is relevant and, undoubtedly, important. Ukrainian education today is characterized by a high level of integration processes. Educational reform, based on the principles of leadership, presupposes the success of a teacher’s professional activity, which directly depends not only on his professional training, but also on leadership activity and motivation for self-improvement. The purpose of our research was to clarify the importance of the presence of the leadership component of modern teacher training as the basis and driving force of his professional and personal development. It is substantiated that the effectiveness of the professional activity of a teacher requires the formation of his leadership qualities, which will provide effective subject-subject pedagogical interaction. The practical significance of our work is to study and clarify the role of the leadership component in the activities of the teacher.
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