


citizenship competence, student youth, community, educational environment, factors, mechanisms


The importance of socio-psychological research on youth citizenship competence development in the educational environment is determined by the need to further explore factors and mechanisms of the impact the educational community has on the development of competent citizenship interaction, as well as determination and spread of the interaction practices facilitating students’ citizenship competence development in the educational environment. The purpose of the article is to identify so called motivators of youth citizenship competence development in the educational community as well as present the findings of the empirical study on the attitudes of the educational agents regarding the effectiveness of those motivators for students’ citizenship competence development. The motivators are determined by means of the theoretical analysis of the factors and mechanisms of citizenship involvement in the community identified by integrating the ecological systems theory, the theory of social capital, the analysis of the collective efficacy norms and model as well as development theories, which is the novelty of the study. The motivators list include the following items: obtaining new knowledge and new ideas; interaction with people who represent different social, age, and ethnic groups, and have different views; approval of other students and teachers; responsibilities towards the community; reflection on citizenship issues; and others. The findings of the empirical research on the attitudes of the educational agents with regards to the effectiveness of the determined motivators for students’ citizenship competence development allow the following conclusions. Young people reveal the tendency to give preference to the motivators dealing with personal links in the educational environment and personal development. Practices of the involvement in the activities for the common good are not regarded effective for citizenship competence development. Teacher, on the contrary, consider such practices among the most effective ones.


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How to Cite

ПОЗНЯК, С. (2022). MOTIVATORS OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ CITIZENSHIP COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT IN THE EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (3 (52), 116-121.