


A deveopmental-corrective programme for overcoming professional disadaptation in beginner-psychologists in the gestalt paradigm, aimed at the development of self-awareness and the developing the skills of reflection. It consists of two stages: the first stage is the training programme, the second stage is the carrying out of intervisionary groups. The general results of the experimental groups with different psychologists’ work experience testify to the declining level of disadaptation, frustration, anxiety, aggressiveness, inadequacy of self-appraisal (self-eveluation), change of motivation of the avoidance of failures to the achievement of success. In addition, the positive dynamic is considerably higher in a group with less experience which testifies to the neccessity of realisation of psycho-corrective measures of assistance to the professional adaptation and the overcoming of the early stages of disadaptation for the professional activity of beginner-psychologists.


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How to Cite

СМИРНОВА, Т. К. (2022). ЕФЕКТИВНІСТЬ ГЕШТАЛЬТТЕРАПЕВТИЧНОГО ТРЕНІНГУ В ПОДОЛАННІ ПРОФЕСІЙНОЇ ДЕЗАДАПТАЦІЇ  ПСИХОЛОГІВ-ПОЧАТКІВЦІВ. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (4 (27), 198-204. Retrieved from http://journals.maup.com.ua/index.php/psychology/article/view/1667