
  • Viktoria PREDKO
  • Maksym BONDAR



hardiness, coping strategy, teenager, stress, difficult life situation.


The article reveals the psychological content of the phenomenon of hardiness and defines its main role in the formation and development of constructive behavioral coping strategies. Its importance is emphasized in the development of successful adaptation of the personality, the ability to effectively cope with life’s problems, and the ability to function optimally even in a situation of uncertainty. The purpose of the article is to identify the psychological characteristics of the relationship between hardiness and the manifestation of coping behavior strategies in adolescents. Findings. The study revealed the psychological features of the manifestation of behavioral coping strategies. In particular, the problem-solving strategy gained the highest level, then the search for social support and the problem-avoidance strategy got the lowest level. This indicates that the subjects can constructively solve problematic issues, overcome difficulties, effectively use their internal potential, and are not afraid to seek help if necessary. Significant differences in the severity of coping strategies among men and women were determined, namely, a higher level of the problem-solving strategy was found among men than among women; while among women a significant level of strategy for seeking social support has been identified. The existence of a relationship between the severity of coping strategies and the hardiness of the individual was confirmed. The presence of a direct statistically significant relationship of medium strength between the problem-solving strategy and resilience, as well as the presence of an inverse statistically significant relationship of medium strength between hardiness and the problem avoidance strategy. The study also presents the difference in the severity of coping strategies in subjects with high and low hardiness.


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How to Cite

ПРЕДКО, В., & БОНДАР, М. (2022). PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE INTERRELATION OF HARDINESS AND BEHAVIOR COPING STRATEGIES OF THE PERSONALITY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (2(55), 5-13.