professional-psychological selection, methodology in the selection of judicial personnel, candidate for judge, judge, psychological support, specialist qualification, professional knowledge, specifics of judicial workAbstract
The text is about the peculiarities of professional-psychological selection of candidates for judicial positions. The importance of such selection lies not only in finding candidates with the appropriate legal knowledge, but also those who have the necessary level of psychological resilience. The main focus is on the analysis of modern psychological techniques and tools that can be used to identify the key personal qualities of potential judges. Reviewing these methods helps determine their advantages, disadvantages, and the possibility of application in the context of the legal field. The article also emphasizes the training of specialists who conduct professional-psychological selection of judges. It describes the importance of their competence, understanding the specifics of judicial work, and the ability to correctly interpret the results of psychological tests. The necessity of the correct methodology for the psychological selection of judicial personnel is outlined. The correct approach to selection ensures that not only the most qualified, but primarily psychologically resilient candidates will have the opportunity to administer justice. The results of the research are aimed at improving the mechanisms of selection and training of candidates for judicial positions, with the aim of ensuring higher quality justice. Objective of the work: To study and analyze the problems associated with the professional-psychological selection of candidates for judges. Methodology: An analysis of legislative acts, normative documents, and international standards in the field of judicial activity was conducted. In particular, it was determined that judicial power in Ukraine is studied by scholars such as: V. S. Bigun, I. Y. Boyko, T. I. Bondaruk, K. A. Vislobokov, O. A. Havrylenko, S.F. Demchenko, L. O. Zaytsev, A. Y. Ivanova, O. O. Malyshev, I. V. Muzyka, V. T. Okipnyuk, Ye. V. Rominsky, O. O. Samoylenko, V. F. Sirenko, M. I. Siriy, I. B. Usenko, M. D. Khodakivsky, L. V. Khudoyar, O. N. Yarmysh. Psychological and professional features of activity, which in the process of a specialist's immersion in the activity determine the formation of psychological neoplasms that define the actualization of his psychological readiness (I. O. Baklytsky, V. V. Barko, Z. R. Kisil, M. S. Korolchuk, G. S. Kostyuk, S. D. Maksymenko, V. V. Romanov and others). Scientific Novelty: 1) A comprehensive analysis of scientific approaches to the issue of professional-psychological selection of candidates for judges has been deepened, including historical context and methodological features. 2) Proposals have been developed for improving the system of psychological examination of candidates for judges, which can be applied in practice. 3) Various possibilities have been proposed for solving complex issues related to the formation of an individual in the role of a judge, promising significant improvement in the judge selection system. 4) Knowledge regarding the professional-psychological selection of candidates for judges has been summarized and systematized, contributing to the theory and practice of judicial psychology. Conclusions. A thorough analysis of the importance and methods of professional-psychological selection of candidates for judicial positions has been conducted. The author of the article emphasizes that successful selection of candidates should not be based solely on their legal knowledge, but also take into account psychological resilience and personal qualities, which are important for effective adjudication. The analysis of modern psychological techniques and tools for identifying key personality traits of candidates revealed their potential advantages and disadvantages for application in the legal field. The paper also highlights the training of specialists who conduct this selection, with an emphasis on the necessity of their high competence, understanding of the specifics of judicial work, and ability to correctly interpret the results of psychological tests. The importance of correct methodology in the selection of candidates is also discussed, which should ensure that the chosen individuals are not only qualified but also psychologically resilient to perform the duties of a judge. During the research, a comprehensive analysis of scientific approaches to this issue was conducted, including historical context and methodological aspects. As a result, a number of proposals were developed to improve the system of psychological examination of candidates, which can be applied in practice. The author also proposed various approaches to solving complex issues of forming an individual in the role of a judge, which can contribute to significant improvement in the selection system. The conclusions and results of this research have made a significant contribution to the theory and practice of judicial psychology. They are aimed at improving the mechanisms of selection and training of candidates for judicial positions, with the goal of ensuring higher quality of justice.
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