


stress resistance, combat and operational stress, combat situation, stress, military personnel, participants in combat, stressogenic factor


Since 2014, Ukraine has been in a militarized conflict with a neighboring state, which has not been resolved and has led to mental trauma and mental disorders of both the civilian population and military personnel. Deterring Russian aggression throughout the territory of Ukraine is accompanied by high intensity and tension. During such conditions, the psyche of military personnel works at the limit of the permissible norm and at the limit of permissible mental stress. The multifactorial events that occurred during the introduction of martial law on the territory of Ukraine brought the physiological and mental functions of military personnel out of balance, which had a negative impact on the nervous system of the body and caused the occurrence of stress, and subsequently led to the maximum decrease in the level of stress resistance. The purpose of the work the article reveals the content of the psychological regularities of the development of stress and the corresponding protective reactions of the body. The complex structure of stress resistance of the individual, which includes psychophysiological, emotional, cognitive and motivational-volitional components, is singled out. The research methodology consists of general theoretical and methodological principles of scientific knowledge and psychological modeling. Various models of stress and reactions to stress are considered for the improvement and development of methods of increasing the level of stress resistance of the individual and acquiring skills of self-regulation of psycho-emotional and functional states in order to prepare for the performance of special (military) tasks and improve the mental health of military personnel, which will be accompanied by minimizing the level of stress.


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How to Cite

РАЄВСЬКА, Я., & ТВЕРДОХЛІБ, Н. (2023). PSYCHOLOGY OF STRESS RESISTANCE OF MILITARY SERVANTS: THEORETICAL DISCOURSE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (3(59), 19-23.

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