socialization, child with special needs, inclusive education, inclusive class, supportive environment, tolerant attitudeAbstract
The article is devoted to the issues of socialisation of children with special needs in an inclusive classroom. The author emphasises the importance of ensuring equal rights for such children and creating conditions that facilitate their socialisation, adaptation and development in the peer group. The main challenges of inclusive education are revealed, including the formation of tolerant attitudes, adaptation of curricula and overcoming stereotypes. The article analyses studies that focus on the role of teachers, the need for early intervention and the creation of a supportive environment. The article notes that teachers should be prepared to work with different categories of students, provide emotionally comfortable conditions and promote a tolerant climate in the student body. The aspects of socialisation of children with SEN, the role of interaction with parents and the importance of educational work among students and adults are considered separately. The need to overcome the prejudices that often arise in society regarding inclusive education is emphasised. In particular, one of the ways to overcome prejudice against children with SEN in an inclusive classroom by other students and their parents is to make efforts by teachers to create conditions for harmonious interpersonal interaction of students. The psychological and pedagogical conditions that will contribute to the formation of a tolerant attitude of students to children with SEN in an inclusive environment are presented. The practical methods of work on creating favourable conditions for the socialisation of children with SEN in the student group of an inclusive class are also considered. The conclusions of the article focus on the coordination of efforts of all participants in the educational process to create a supportive environment that will facilitate the successful integration of children with SEN into society. Effective implementation of inclusive education is possible only if teachers, students, parents and administrators work in harmony.
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