


moral and psychological state, public administration, combat readiness, military potential, moral and combat qualities, psychological resilience, informational and psychological influence, moral and psychological support


The article examines the impact of the moral and psychological state of personnel on the outcomes of combat operations in the context of public administration. It is determined that the moral and psychological state is a key factor influencing the combat readiness and effectiveness of military operations. In the context of modern warfare, characterized by high intensity and unpredictability, the importance of maintaining the psychological resilience of servicemen is of particular significance. It is noted that effective management of this aspect requires a comprehensive approach that includes both preventive measures and mechanisms for rapid response to psychological crises. The article summarizes the main components of moral and psychological support (MPS), which include informational and propaganda support, psychological assistance, socio-legal, and cultural support. It is proven that moral and psychological potential is one of the key elements of the state's overall military potential, ensuring the functioning of all other components of military power. The article also emphasizes the importance of developing moral and combat qualities in servicemen, such as patriotism, a sense of duty, and collectivism. It highlights the necessity of creating programs aimed at developing the psychological resilience of military personnel, as well as the importance of training commanders on issues related to moral and psychological support. Recommendations are proposed for improving the system of managing moral and psychological support, including the implementation of a monitoring system, active informational support, and the development of mechanisms for responding to psychological crises among military personnel.


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How to Cite

ДРУЗЬ, О., РОДЧЕНКО, Л., ВЕЛЬГАН, О., & ТОЛМАЧОВ, О. (2024). THE IMPACT OF THE MORAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CONDITION OF PERSONNEL ON COMBAT OUTCOMES. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (4 (65), 11-16.

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