preschool children, socio-emotional development, emotional development, social development, socializationAbstract
The article presents a substantiation of the problem of socio-emotional development of preschool children by domestic and foreign scholars. The author considers socio-emotional development to be one of the important prerequisites for the full development of a preschool child, effective adaptation to life in society, preservation of physical and mental health, and preparation for schooling. Taking into account the achievements of domestic and foreign scientific research, socio-emotional development is interpreted as the ability of a preschool child to perceive both his or her own emotions and the emotions, thoughts, and preferences of others, to have skills of social behavior and communication with adults and peers. Particular attention is paid to the role of teachers and parents in shaping the child's social and emotional sphere. The study notes that preschool age is a sensitive period for the development of such qualities as empathy, compassion, social responsibility, and the ability to build relationships. The importance of interactive teaching methods that contribute to the emotional enrichment of children and the formation of positive interaction in groups is highlighted. The analysis of the literature shows that socio-emotional development is a multicomponent process that includes cognitive, emotional and behavioral components. Scientific approaches to this issue emphasize the need to take into account the individual characteristics of children, their temperament, personal traits, upbringing and environment. It is proved that children who receive support in their social and emotional development demonstrate better academic results, have a higher level of selfesteem, and are less prone to conflicts in the team. The article offers practical recommendations for educators and parents aimed at developing emotional intelligence in children. Effective techniques for creating a favorable environment for emotional development, such as role-playing games, fairy tale therapy, art therapy, and interactive exercises, are described. Particular attention is paid to the formation of emotional self-control in children, the ability to recognize and regulate their own emotions, and to respond constructively to stressful situations and difficulties. It is summarized that the socio-emotional development of preschool children is one of the key areas of modern pedagogy, which requires a systematic approach and comprehensive support. The results of the study can be used in the practice of preschool education institutions, as well as in the preparation of methodological materials for educators and teachers.
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