


psychological support, psychological trauma, military aggression, rehabilitation, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychological recovery


The military aggression against Ukraine has caused unprecedented challenges in the field of mental health and has led to an urgent need to develop effective mechanisms for psychological assistance to victims. Experts estimate that millions of Ukrainians have been directly or indirectly affected by traumatic events, which requires a systematic scientific understanding and practical solution to the problem of psychological recovery. In the context of the ongoing conflict, the issue of developing and implementing comprehensive psychological support programs that take into account the specifics of war trauma and ensure effective rehabilitation of victims is of particular relevance. The purpose of the article is to highlight topical issues of psychological support and rehabilitation of persons affected by military aggression. The theoretical foundations of the organization of psychological assistance and the peculiarities of traumatic experience in war are considered. Modern approaches to psychological recovery of different categories of victims are analyzed. The key areas of psychological support are identified, including crisis counseling, post-traumatic rehabilitation, and socio-psychological adaptation. The specifics of working with different types of psychological trauma and their consequences are outlined. A model of comprehensive psychological support is proposed, which takes into account the individual characteristics of victims and the nature of the trauma. The necessity of a systematic approach to the organization of psychological assistance and coordination of efforts of various specialists in the process of recovery of victims is substantiated. Conclusions. The data obtained are important for the development and improvement of psychological assistance programs for the population in wartime, as well as for deepening the understanding of the specifics of traumatic experience and mechanisms of psychological recovery of victims.


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How to Cite

ТАРАСОВА, І., & РОДЧЕНКО, Л. (2024). PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT AND RECOVERY OF VICTIMS IN THE CONTEXT OF MILITARY AGGRESSION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Psychology, (4 (65), 39-43.

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