state personnel policy, people development, democratic governance, staffing, training of employees of public authorities, the use of labour potentialAbstract
The purpose of the work is to review the discourse field of the formation and development of state personnel policy, which will identify the main features of the state of research on personnel policy in Ukraine. The opinion is substantiated that, today, the level of research of theoretical and methodological approaches to the functioning of mechanisms of personnel policy of the state, at different levels of government, is considered insufficient in the context of fundamental changes in economic, socio-political and cultural life of Ukraine. Methodology. Methodological principles of personnel management allowed to explore the developed approaches to strategic personnel management, to apply the motivational mechanisms of civil servants, as well as to analyze the successful experience of leading countries in the implementation of personnel policy. Scientific novelty. The processes of formation and development of state personnel policy have been improved by reviewing the discourse field on this issue, which differs from the existing ones by focusing on seven features of the state research of personnel policy in Ukraine, based on analysis of organizational, institutional, legal and methodological support. issues of increasing the level of professional competence of staff. Conclusions. A review of the discourse field of formation and development of state personnel policy revealed that the state is based on the disclosure of the peculiarities of selection, placement and organization of staff, including: compliance with the principles of democratic management of personnel (selection of candidates for business and moral and ethical qualities); focusing the attention of managers on the professional development of staff, providing conditions for training and career opportunities; creation of a system of effective selection of personnel reserve; the principle of continuity in the activities of staff, which consists in the cooperation of young promising staff and experienced employees in order to transfer the acquired experience, the necessary experience; conducting an assessment of the level of quality of work based on the achieved results; carrying out systematic control and inspections of the practical activities of staff.
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