digital economy, cyberspace, cybersecurity, economic cybersecurity, national securityAbstract
Objective of the paper. To investigate the essence of the “digital economy”, “cyberspace” and “cybersecurity” concepts in the context of national security, highlight current trends in economic cyber threats and areas of improvement of public administration in the field of economic cybersecurity. Methodology. The security of the “digital economy” in public policy requires the identification of the problem area in terms of taking into account threats to national security and creation of appropriate mechanisms for counteraction. Although public policy in the field of cybersecurity has evolutionary trends, the pace of development does not meet modern requirements, so there is an urgent need to explore ways to improve the cybersecurity situation. The concepts of “cyberspace” and “cybersecurity” in the economic plane, their interconnection and role in the digitalization of the economy allowed to reflect the model of the national security system in the cyber-economic context. The high level of cyberspace development and the organization of cyber threats indicates the need to change the paradigm of cybersecurity strategy: it should be based not on responding to the facts, but rather on the principle of forecasting and planning protection against future actions of cybercriminals. This requires constant analysis of current trends in economic cyber threats. The work highlights the most relevant of them nowadays. Academic novelty. It was emphasized that in order to meet the considered challenges, Ukraine needs a new cyber strategy. It is important that Ukraine’s path in creation its own cybersecurity changes accordingly and at a rapid pace. Measures to be implemented in this direction are highlighted. Conclusions. The study results show the importance of understanding the serious problems of cybersecurity, which require the development and implementation of more effective mechanisms for the functioning and operation of cyberspace, improving the reliability of basic mechanisms and components of the Internet and other ICT devices, taking into account the human factor, a comprehensive and systematic approach in determining the methodological principles and tools for the formation of state policy to ensure cybersecurity.
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