tourism, mechanisms of public administration, discourse field, socio-demographic situation, economic growth of the countryAbstract
The purpose of the research is to carry out an in-depth analysis of the scientific and historical base, within the framework of the research of the discourse field of the issues of public administration of the tourist sphere. It is proved that there is no consensus in foreign and domestic public administration science on determining the factors that negatively or positively affect the development of tourism and recreation, at the present time. Methodology. The complexity and specificity of the research topic led to the use of a set of methods of empirical and theoretical levels of knowledge, which made it possible to form appropriate theoretical and methodological foundations for the tasks. It is emphasized that tourism, from the scientific point of view of most authors, is defined as a complex multidimensional concept, which simultaneously acts as a branch of the national economy, and as a separate activity, and as a form of recreational activity, and as a way of leisure, and as a science. and as a business line. It is noted that today, tourism is a socially significant and popular practice, as well as a platform for self-development and self-improvement of people, a space for the formation of public goods, incentives and personal needs. Scientific novelty. The conceptual and categorical apparatus of public administration science has been improved by reviewing the discourse field of formation of state regulation of tourism development, which differs from the existing ones by focusing scientific attention on the principles of development of this sphere within the application of innovative tools of cooperation and clustering of the international tourism market. partnerships and model business decisions. Conclusions. As a result of in-depth analysis of the scientific and historical base, within the study of the discourse field of public administration of tourism, it is emphasized that the current stage of research on tourism and the tourism industry is characterized by focusing on the principles of development of this field and related industries. application of innovative tools of cooperation and clustering of the international tourism market, use of public-private partnership mechanisms and model business solutions. It is substantiated that these studies focus on the historical and philosophical understanding of the nature of tourism as a sociohumanitarian phenomenon, as well as a basic information resource for forming a basis for expanding the practical use of basic tools and mechanisms of public administration of tourism and recreation. direction.
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