


administrative services, state and local authorities, public authorities, e-government, office for citizens, service universities


The purpose of the research is to study the foreign experience in providing administrative services and justify the possibility of its implementation in the domestic environment. It is established that the provision of administrative services in foreign countries and Ukraine differs in the nature and purpose of their work. Typically, the system of administrative services in the above countries (France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Great Britain, Estonia, Norway, Canada and Bulgaria) is aimed at providing the population with all kinds of social guarantees. Given the world experience, it can be argued that the provision of administrative services in foreign countries is an open and transparent process, and in Ukraine there is still no such effective relationship between consumers and providers of administrative services. Methodology. In the process of writing this article, the following methods were used: grouping, systematization and generalization, system and integrated approaches. Scientific novelty of the research results is the improvement of existing and development of new measures to improve the provision of administrative services to the population in Ukraine. Conclusions. Given the world experience, in our opinion, Ukraine should: expand the list of administrative services in the field of social security and housing; to expand the register of institutions that provide administrative services, including not only individual bodies of state power and local self-government, but also private institutions by granting permission for such activities; reduce discrepancies between administrative services and services provided by private entities; deepen decentralization processes and delegate decision-making rights to local authorities; introduce the use of electronic forms of administrative services; to ensure the trust and security of consumers of administrative services who receive this service online; improve quality control services for the provision of administrative services, taking into account public opinion and continuous monitoring by public administrations.


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How to Cite

Сидоренко, Н. О., & Шкурат, І. В. (2021). FOREIGN EXPERIENCE IN THE FIELD OF PROVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES. Public Management, (2 (27), 48-55.


