rehabilitation, preventive medicine, health, social policy, medical reform, combatants, healthAbstract
Topicality. The article substantiates the problematic issues of preventive (preventive) medicine in the system of medical support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU); the essence of measures of health-preserving rehabilitation of servicemen who take part in hostilities is revealed. The debatable nature of the solution of this problem is proposed, the ways of establishing cooperation between the medical service of the Armed Forces and the health care system of the civilian population within the framework of a single health-preserving space are determined. The analysis of researches and scientific publications with definition of gaps of substantial vanity of the state mechanisms of formation of readiness of civil servants of education to health-preserving activity at interdisciplinary level, abilities to management of innovative development of medical system is carried out. This allowed us to focus on strategic planning of rehabilitation processes (focusing on the values of national health culture and taking into account changes in the development of health-preserving space) and tactical goals (updating the content of medical care, implementation of personality-oriented, axiological and cultural approaches, etc.).
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the need to improve public administration mechanisms with the development of a system of interagency communication to build a viable and systematic approach to the organization of rehabilitation and preventive medicine in the medical system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Of Ukraine during the special period.
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to identify ways to solve the existing problem, which in turn involves research with the following tasks:
– to analyze the evolution of measures to organize medical care of the Armed Forces during a special period in the context of the implementation of state policy of Ukraine in the field of health care based on a comprehensive analysis of the current legal framework and available literature sources;
– to reveal the essence and content of conceptual bases of formation and realization of the state policy of Ukraine in the field of health care on maintenance of conditions of effective work of complex system of preservation of health of servicemen of defense forces of Armed Forces of Ukraine and members of their families by creation of effective system of rehabilitation medicine within the framework of the single medical space for the health care of civilians and medical support of the Armed Forces during a special period;
– to develop the concept of health-preserving model of leading areas of managerial influence on the effective work of medical support mechanisms for maintaining the health of servicemen and organizing an effective system of rehabilitation of servicemen of the Defense Forces of Ukraine and their families;
– to reveal the essence and content of policy measures at the highest governmental level in the direction of prevention and preservation of health, taking into account social determinants;
– to characterize the role of training military specialists in preventive and rehabilitation measures as part of an integrated national health care system;
– to outline the level of the current system of medical support of troops for preventive medicine and rehabilitation of servicemen of the Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the context of the implementation of the leading NATO methodology.
Methodology. The methodological basis of the study were: legal and regulatory framework, publications and research on a systematic approach, which was used to solve most problems of management mechanisms to improve the health care system of Ukraine in the context of medical care of the Armed Forces of Ukraine within a single health space.
Methods. The system-analytical method and the method of content analysis were used to study legislative acts and normative documents, used in the article are a combination of scientific principles, general philosophical, general scientific, special methods and methodological approaches to substantiate management processes for the implementation of progressive transformations of medical care for servicemen of the Armed Forces. The article adheres to the principles of objectivity, scientificity, pluralism, system, consistency, integrity, complexity and specificity.
Scientific novelty. The mechanisms of influence of the state management of health-preserving content of complex rehabilitation as an organizational condition of medical support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) are specified; the essence of measures of preventive medicine and complex rehabilitation of servicemen who take part in hostilities is revealed. The debatable nature of solving this problem at the state level is proposed, ways to create a system of interdepartmental communication within the single health space of Ukraine to build a viable and systematic approach to organizing an effective system of comprehensive rehabilitation of servicemen involved in Operation Allied Forces, and members of their families.
The object of the research is the health-preserving component of the medical support of the troops and the system of complex rehabilitation of the servicemen of the Armed Forces involved in combat operations and members of their families. The subject of the research is the theoretical principles of the mechanisms of medical support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine regarding the creation of a viable system of complex rehabilitation and the system of preserving the health of servicemen.
Conclusions. According to the Law of Ukraine “On Rehabilitation in the Field of Health Care” (VVR), 2021, No. 8) the multifaceted nature of medical, legal, organizational and economic principles of rehabilitation of a person with disabilities in the field of health care in order to achieve and maintaining the optimal level of functioning in its environment The legislation of Ukraine on rehabilitation is based on the Constitution of Ukraine and consists of the Fundamentals of the legislation of Ukraine on health care.
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