state regulation, policy of active protectionism, foreign economic activity, export production, foreign economic policy.Abstract
It is noted that the state should now act as the main guarantor of viability and efficient functioning of the economic system and at the same time an active organizer and coordinator of economic efforts that determine the optimal goals and parameters of social development, creating conditions and mechanisms to achieve them. It is, therefore, about the formation of a new integrated system of state regulation of the economy and? in particular, foreign economic activity, which corresponds to the current stage of the transformation process in Ukraine. Thus, the policy of active protectionism that was formed was aimed at stimulating export production and reducing imports of industrial products. Today, the postulates of the teachings of mercantilists resonate with the ideas of protectionism, so the concept of mercantilists is often called pre-capitalist protectionism. It is determined that despite some differences in the provisions of the concept of “free trade”, the views of the above authors are reduced to a single justification of the principle of comparative costs of production, according to which in foreign trade sooner or later set such prices for exported and imported goods. trading countries will find their optimal level. At the same time, states will always strive to export surplus and import scarce goods for this country. “ Despite all the progressiveness of the ideas of free trade, almost all countries participating in the world market to a greater or lesser extent resort to various protectionist restrictions in trade. In modern conditions, Ukraine is particularly interested in pursuing a flexible foreign economic policy aimed at, on the one hand, the gradual entry of the country into international economic relations, and on the other – to protect the main positions of the national economy through protectionist measures while domestic industries will not be able to compete successfully in the world market. The purpose of the research. The purpose of the study conducted in this article is to identify theoretical aspects of the concept of state regulation of economic processes of foreign economic activity. Methodology. Issues of development and state regulation of foreign economic activity are devoted to scientific developments of such domestic and foreign scientists as V. Andriychuk, V. Bezruchenko, V. Heitz, N. Gorina, M. Zgurovsky, L. Pismachenko, M. Porter, B. Karloff, B. Wednesday, R. Fatkhutdinov, A. Kharchuk and others. Noting the important scientific and practical results of the research of these authors, it should be noted that a number of issues of conceptual, methodological and methodological nature remains insufficiently studied and in need of further analysis. Scientific novelty. Theoretical approaches to the implementation of flexible foreign economic policy by state bodies, aimed, on the one hand, at the gradual entry of the country into the system of international economic relations, and on the other – to protect the main positions of the national economy through protectionist measures until domestic industries are unable successfully compete in the world market. Conclusions. It is proved that the new protectionism arose from the conflict of free world trade with employment, environmental protection and social equality, its supporters are in favor of reducing world trade by protecting national markets and introducing measures to promote and encourage trade in domestic goods.
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