


public administration, project models, territorial development, management tools, territorial systems, economic growth, economic cycles.


It is determined that the main, fundamental difference of public administration from any other types of management is the preliminary development of a holistic project model, its analysis, approval, approval, and then implementation. Within the project management models are not only tools of cognitive activity, but also tools of real management. With regard to public governance of territorial development, it is necessary to supplement the relevant models of environmental, ethnic, economic dynamics, as well as models of general development of the territorial system. The use of such models allows to forecast, plan and control, first of all, the dynamics of the territorial system. In the framework of this dissertation it is expedient to limit the analysis to only the main types of modeling. It is noted that the models assume that each of the competing technological systems has the ability to improve, and the efficiency of operating industries increases over time. It is assumed that each of the two alternative technical systems is mastered by innovators operating within it, and simulators, ready to accept the innovations of both this and alternative systems (conditionally - simulators of the first and second type). Dynamic models and theories in economics have emerged in connection with the active study of dynamic processes in economic systems, primarily economic growth and economic cycles. In the future, as the study of the dynamics of economic systems in economic theory began to appear nonequilibrium economic models, which today should be considered the most adequate conditions for the development of territorial systems. The adoption of the concept of stability in economic analysis was largely due to the development of natural sciences, where for a meaningful analysis of dynamic systems required their stability. For the experimental sciences, this means that descriptive models must lead to the same qualitative results if the experiment is repeated with small changes in conditions. The adoption of the concept of stability in economic analysis was largely due to the development of natural sciences, where for a meaningful analysis of dynamic systems required their stability. For the experimental sciences, this means that descriptive models must lead to the same qualitative results if the experiment is repeated with small changes in conditions. The purpose of the article. The purpose of this study is to study the experience of modeling the management of socio-economic territorial development, which is enshrined in the fundamental official documents of the UN, Eurostat, World Bank on environmental, economic and ecosystem modeling. Methodology. In the professional foreign and domestic literature there is a considerable array of developments on modeling of management processes of socio-economic territorial development by J. Wang, F. Soulard, Zhiyun Ouyang, Changsu Song, Hua Zheng, S. Polasky, Yi Xiao, M. Ruckelshaus, Weih Xu, C. Daily, A. V. Neverova, A.A. Tyshkova, O.E. Medvedeva, D.V. Kasimova, V.V. Юрак, Н.В. Tar, I.P. Nightingale, L.D. Zagvoyskaya, G. Sandoval, D. Barton and others, which in turn rely on the relevant guidelines, which are enshrined in the fundamental official documents of the UN, Eurostat, World Bank on environmental, economic and ecosystem modeling. Scientific novelty. The process of modeling the management of socio-economic territorial development is considered through the prism of the concept of sustainability in economic analysis, which is largely due to the development of natural sciences, where for a meaningful analysis of dynamic systems required their stability. Conclusions. It is determined that dynamic models and theories in economics appeared in connection with the active study of dynamic processes in economic systems, primarily economic growth and economic cycles. Later, as the dynamics of economic systems were studied, nonequilibrium economic models began to appear in economic theory, which today should be considered the most adequate conditions for the development of territorial systems.


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How to Cite

Дацій, О. І., & Ковальський, М. Р. (2022). MODELING OF MANAGEMENT PROCESSES OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT. Public Management, (1 (29), 36-41.




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