



rights and freedoms of citizens, restrictive measures, COVID-19 pandemic, digitalization, distance learning and work, vaccination.


The aim of the work is to systematize scientific approaches to the problem of ensuring human rights and freedoms in the system of public administration in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The article analyzes the main legal documents aimed at establishing restrictive measures related to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, which restrict human rights and freedoms. In our opinion, the executive branch has the right to plan and organize sanitary and anti-epidemiological, preventive and even restrictive measures, but it has no right to restrict the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens, bypassing the will of the representative bodies. In exceptional cases, when circumstances require an immediate solution, this is possible only for a very short time, which is necessary for the representative body to fully discuss and make a decision. Methodology: systems analysis, generalization, synthesis, analysis, modeling. Scientific novelty. The measures taken by the state, as noted, affect the realization of a number of human rights and freedoms. In particular, in housing, labor, social security and social protection. In addition, existential insecurity is growing, combined with a lack of effective human rights education. The quality of education in connection with the transition to distance learning needs to be maintained and improved. Thus, online learning turned out to be the most significant risks associated with dehumanization, severance of social ties. The process of digitalization of all spheres of society and the associated change in educational formats in higher education institutions is a progressive, inevitable, but also a controversial phenomenon. Some claims for lower tuition fees in this regard do not take into account that the burden on teachers and educational institutions has also increased. Labor legislation of Ukraine provides for the possibility of remote work. There is a separate issue of workload on the employee, sometimes the employee performs more tasks than provided by his employment contract. Conclusions. The state and society are aware of the danger of the pandemic to the health of the nation and are consciously taking adequate measures to counter it. In 2019-2021, the world community gained some experience in combating COVID-19, but this experience was not always successful. Yes, there have been public protests against compulsory vaccination, or restrictions on the right of persons to move within certain territories, and so on. States have often resorted to lockdowns, self-isolation, closures, compulsory vaccination, compulsory personal protective equipment, and so on. Therefore, the implementation of restrictive measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic must be approached in a balanced manner, taking into account public opinion and the possibilities of the socio-economic situation of the country and the well-being of citizens. 


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How to Cite

Коломоєць, Ю. О. (2022). ENSURING HUMAN RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS IN THE SYSTEM OF PUBLIC GOVERNANCE IN THE CONVENTION OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Public Management, (1 (29), 66-73. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2022-1(29)-9


