


state, public administration, information warfare, national security.


The article offers the author’s systematization of scientific and expert views and approaches to the problems of information warfare and their impact on ensuring the information sovereignty of the state in the modern discourse space. The urgency of the study of information threats, negative external influences on the national security of Ukraine, which became especially relevant after 2014, when thanks to the successful use of information special operations Russia managed to annex Crimea and deploy military confrontation in eastern Ukraine by ensuring a positive perception of aggressive actions of the Russian Federation. It is determined that the ultimate goal of Russia’s hybrid geopolitical information warning is the civilization choice of the Ukrainian people: to move towards European integration or return to the Orthodox- Russian civilization zone. On the basis of well-generated Word’s Cluster Tags, 5 main clusters of scientific understanding of the phenomenon of information warfare are singled out. The main approaches to the scientific understanding of this societal phenomenon in the context of: philosophical and ontological essence of information warfare are revealed; conceptual and categorical apparatus; identification of key threats to national security; mechanisms and technologies of information warfare; subject-object structuring and practical cases. It is concluded that it is necessary to deploy systemic activities of public authorities in Ukraine, first of the Institute of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Armed Forces, the Security Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to form a modern effective system of national information sovereignty manifestations of information warfare, conducting counterpropaganda information operations, etc.


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How to Cite

Радченко, О. В., & Радченко, О. О. (2022). SOURCE ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEMS OF INFORMATION WARFARE IN MODERN DISCOURSE SPACE. Public Management, (1 (29), 116-124.


