information security, economic security, information and economic securityAbstract
The article reveals the essence of the concept of ‘information and economic security’ and its role in ensuring the stable development of the state. The economy of the information society (or information economy) is focused on the rapid growth of information resources, and can not develop without the widespread use of information and communication technologies. The subjects of a market economy carry out their activities in an environment where information, information relations, and in general, all the main components of the informatization process are becoming increasingly important. Therefore, comprehensive information security is the key to economic security. They organically complement each other and are inextricably linked not only from a practical point of view, but also in conceptual terms. It is proposed to consider the information component of economic security and the economic aspect of information security as a single area of activity that provides security in administration, energy, financial, technical and production, technological and other areas that have a significant impact on the national security and ensure sustainable development of the state. The definition of information and economic security is given: a comprehensive system that protects the vital interests of the citizens, society and the state in the economic sphere from internal and external information threats. The latter in this definition acquire the status of information and economic threats — a set of conditions, factors and events that determine the effectiveness of internal and external destructive information influences on the economic condition of the country, thereby endangering the economically important interests of the individual, society and the state. It is proposed to form a new interdisciplinary field of scientific knowledge, the main purpose of which will be to develop ways and means of using the information environment to solve problems of economic security. The theory of information and economic security should cover not only the description of information relations in the economy, but also their relationship with the national security.
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