health care, private medicine market, public health, state regulation of medical institutions, private medical institutionsAbstract
The article considers the issue of private medical institutions as an object of state regulation. It is proved that the health care system is the main component of the general system of social protection of states. It has been determined that, according to the World Health Organization, there are currently only three main models of health care in the world: public, insurance and private models of medicine. The meaning of the concept of “medical care”, which should be considered the activities of health care institutions and the activities of natural persons — entrepreneurs who have the appropriate registration and license in accordance with the procedure established by law, which relates to health care, whose activities may not necessarily be limited to medical care. It is noted that the medical service can also be considered as the activity of the person providing these services, aimed at achieving such a result or useful property, which will be able to meet the needs of the person to restore and/or maintain his health, directly in the process of implementing appropriate activities of a person — a service provider, which has no material expression (material form) and cannot be guaranteed by the service provider. It was found that the market of medical services is growing due to the expansion of the number of health care facilities of various forms of ownership, their existence and rapid development does not allow to assess the scale of services provided and their funding in general, as both public and private institutions have a shadow economic segment. It has been proven that the development of private medical institutions helps to reduce the pressure on the state health care system, as it can take over the part of the citizens that is able to pay for all necessary services. It is noted that private health care facilities have a certain specificity of legal regulation of medical services, the effectiveness of which has legal significance.
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