non-governmental public organizations, public, public administration, interactionAbstract
The essence of the rule of law and civil society is characterized. It has been found that non-governmental organizations are elements of civil society that perform a wide range of functions, including the protection of human rights, the fight for disarmament, the implementation of research and educational activities, and so on. It is established that such organizations create conditions and opportunities for citizens to directly participate in establishing partnerships with the authorities and international organizations. The existing problems of interaction of non-governmental public organizations (NGOs) with state authorities and local self-government bodies have been identified. It is emphasized that the information regarding the number of citizens involved in public organizations and their clients is not true. The existing positive changes in the government's policy on establishing a constructive dialogue with non-governmental organizations were confirmed and the existence of certain negative trends was emphasized. It has been established that public organizations have determined the mechanisms of the most effective influence on the government, but the level of passivity and indifference of the population is a significant problem in their relationship with government agencies. Based on the results of opinion polls, Ukrainians' confidence in the public sector has grown and their activity has remained consistently low. The results of the survey on the availability of information about the activities of NGOs among students who testify to the existence of problems in this area are characterized, as the respondents do not distinguish public organizations from other associations and organizations and structures of public administration. It was stated that NGOs should better inform the public about the available professional and resource potential, identify joint actions for organizational and legal support for the provision of quality services, and so on.
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