intellectual capital, diplomatic service of Ukraine, European Union, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, protection of intellectual capital, intellectual capital of diplomatic serviceAbstract
The article deals with the main aspects related to the characteristics and analysis of the development and protection priorities of the intellectual capital of the diplomatic service in Ukraine. The main interpretations of foreign scientists regarding the concept of intellectual capital and its main components are analyzed, including in the context of the intellectual capital of the diplomatic service. An explanation of each component of intellectual capital is given in detail and it is concluded that despite the disagreements in the concept of intellectual capital, foreign scientists equally assess the role and importance of this component in the work, including the diplomatic service. It is determined that human capital occupies the bulk of the intellectual capital of the diplomatic service in Ukraine. The analysis of foreign experience of legislative support for the work of the diplomatic service in the countries of the European Union, in particular in Lithuania and Bulgaria. It is substantiated that using the models and approaches of foreign countries of the European Union, as examples, it is possible to build a high-quality legislative framework in Ukraine, in particular, it will concern intellectual capital and its role in the work of the diplomatic service. The regulatory framework for the protection of intellectual capital in Ukraine is analyzed in detail, the main forms of protection of intellectual capital rights are highlighted, a detailed description of each of these forms and procedures is provided in case of violation of the intellectual capital rights of civil servants, in particular diplomatic employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. It is separately illustrated that the number of budget employees of the diplomatic service is not planned to increase in the next 2 years (until 2022 inclusive). Based on the analysis and characteristics of the intellectual capital of the diplomatic service, it was concluded that Law № 7322 “On the diplomatic service” requires certain improvements, in particular, the law should include clear rules that ensure the protection of intellectual property of the diplomatic service in Ukraine, taking into account the practice of some countries of the European Union.
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