administrative services, quality of administrative services, centers for providing administrative services, total quality management, international standards ISO 9000, reforming the mechanism of providing administrative servicesAbstract
Dynamic changes in socio-economic relations, the task of developing Ukraine’s competitive advantages in the modern world economy require a serious modernization of the system of provision administrative services, including its transformation into a flexible process that develops and responds adequately to changes and demands of society. The quality of administrative services should be a driving force that can significantly improve the quality of life of citizens. Given Ukraine’s declared intention to move closer to European standards, including in the field of public administration, scientific understanding and streamlining of the system of provision administrative services is a great importance. Rethinking the role of the state in terms of implementing a “service model” of public administration requires improving the mechanisms and technologies of the market. The concept of “total quality management” can serve as an orientation for the activity of public administration. Modern socio-economic conditions set new goals and objectives for the centers for providing administrative services. Therefore, they forced not only to reconsider the usual, traditional management methods, but also to constantly improve the efficiency of their activities. At the present stage of state formation, it is clear that the successful implementation of the development strategy of any country is impossible without improving the quality of administrative services. One of the effective tools to improve the quality of administrative services is the introduction of the concept of “total quality management” for the provision administrative services to the population.
Thus, improving the system of provision administrative services is one of the priority areas of administrative reform in Ukraine to enter a new stage of statehood. Transformations in the system of state power in Ukraine aimed at ensuring that every citizen not only knows but also has a real opportunity to demand the level and quality of services that public authorities are obliged to provide.
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