


democratic principles, public administration, democracy, freedom, society


The article examines the democratic principles of public administration. Objectivity is the most important feature of democratic principles of public administration. Democratic principles of public administration include political, economic and cultural principles providing freedom to all people in society. Democracy is one of the main functions of public administration, which shows that government should protect human rights to freedom of speech and religion, right to equal protection under the law and ability to organize and participate in political, economic and cultural life of society. Modern processes of democratization have led to cancellation of greater electoral qualifications. This applies to discriminatory electoral qualifications, which are completely eliminated in different countries. This contributes to the democratization of administrative processes. Democratic principles of public administration are based on the theoretical concept of democracy that is formed by human civilization. Democratic principles of public administration having the power and means to express the will of the people. The fight for democracy throughout history shows that democratic principles of public administration are important today. They are possible if they are based on the principle of pluralism together with other principles and require universal importance for modern democracy. Democratic principles of public administration consist in interaction with social processes of democratic society development. They are the direct representation of people as the main subject of democratic relations. The participation of people in public administration is based on freedom of meetings and associations, which make efforts to better understand how to achieve the results of risk identification and management and to measure the impact of public administration accountability. People have equal rights not only during elections, but also in other social life: economic and cultural. They have the ability to influence affairs through social forms of democracy.


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How to Cite

Артеменко, А. (2020). DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES OF THE GOVERNANCE. Public Management, (4 (24), 15-22.


