


national education system of Ukraine; state management of education; improving the national education system; state-public model of national education system management, New Ukrainian School, competence


The article analyzes and reveals the importance of education as a state, social, personal value for the development of society, as the basis of socioeconomic, spiritual, cultural, political development of society and its integration into the European and world community. The concept of state management of education as a type of professional activity aimed at creating conditions (organizational, personnel, material and financial, legal) life, functioning, development, improvement of educational institutions, improvement of the national education system to achieve this goal is generalized. It is established that the system of national education of independent Ukraine is an integral unity of state, municipal, private, corporate educational institutions of different directions and levels of accreditation. Significant differences in public administration of the education system in Soviet times and in independent Ukraine are analyzed. The content and significance of the conceptual principles of public administration of the national education system of Ukraine are revealed: the principle of statehood, scientificity, prognostic planning of public administration bodies and educational institutions, democratization, competence and professionalism of managers of educational sphere and optimization. The strategic tasks of the new structural organization “Ukrainian Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine (UAPA)” are outlined. The structural components and levels of the state-public model of management of the national education system are determined: a) parliamentary- presidential; b) government-central; c) regional level (regional, city, district education departments); d) the level of direct management of educational institutions and the most educational: the powers of public officials at different levels; basic principles, leading directions of development of the national education system in Ukraine. It is proved that the optimal result of the activity of state administrators of the parliamentary-presidential and government-central levels is the creation of the New Ukrainian School. The basic principles of strategy and tactics of realization of educational and administrative innovations are substantiated; significant changes in the national education system, determined by the creation of the New Ukrainian School project (05-27.09. 2017), which will work on the basis of partnership pedagogy, based on communication, interaction and cooperation between teacher, student and parents, and the development of the State Standard (August 21, 2018) training according to the programs of twelve-year complete general secondary education and the degree status of the school: primary school of the first degree — the beginning of classes from September 1, 2018; gymnasium — an educational institution of the second degree, which provides basic secondary education — the beginning of education from September 1, 2022; lyceum — an educational institution of the third degree, which provides specialized secondary education — the beginning of education from September 1, 2027.

The spectrum of the main competencies of the educated person, defined in the legislative documents of the educational branch for the purpose of development of the person, society on the basis of scientific knowledge is systematized, namely: free possession of the state language; ability to communicate in native (in case of difference from the state) and foreign languages; mathematical competence; competencies in the field of natural sciences, engineering and technology; innovation; environmental competence; information and communication competence; lifelong learning; civic, social competencies related to the ideas of democracy, justice, equality of human rights, well-being and a healthy lifestyle, with an awareness of equal rights and opportunities.


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How to Cite

Браніцька, Т., & Логутіна, Н. (2020). FUNDAMENTALS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION OF THE NATIONAL EDUCATION SYSTEM OF UKRAINE. Public Management, (4 (24), 32-48.


