


generation, public, business communication, public leader, communication, professional competence, civil servant, mediation, conflict, dialogue


The article examines the communication skills of the head of education for building a dialogue and purposeful formation of a new generation of modern leaders. It was found that a public leader, whose professional competence is a specially prepared deep process of the exchange of meanings, during which there are qualitative changes in the relations between the participants in the conditions of the democratic development of society. It has been established that in this context, it becomes necessary to purposefully form communication skills in the context of conducting a dialogue both in organizing internal and external relations in the context of a new generation of professionals who must adequately respond to social challenges, introduce and produce ideas in conditions of using the establishment of relations with the public, effectively broadcast social and cultural values, have the ability to conduct negotiations and business communication, but also exchange basic social values and communicate with a mass addressee.

It was investigated that an important condition for the effectiveness of the work of a specialist in public administration is to take into account the gender component when considering conflicts in the organization’s environment, to avoid gender stereotypes and to form the gender sensitivity of one’s own and colleagues. Such accounting is a significant step in building the European educational space and reducing the level of conflict in the team; the indicated ways of introducing the educational program “Basic skills of a mediator in an educational institution and society”, which has been successfully tested with 2015. It has been substantiated that the communication skills of the head of education for building a dialogue acquires a new meaning of mediation and dialogue, which will allow the formation of communication technologies and his skills in the field of ethical requirements of democracy, openness of the public sphere, freedom of the media, ensuring national interests, etc.


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How to Cite

Івацко, Т. (2020). PUBLIC LEADER’S COMMUNICATION SKILLS TO BUILD DIALOGUE. Public Management, (4 (24), 125-135.


