



professional development, public service, public servants, factors of professional development, management of professional development


The article reveals the influence of factors on the professional development of public service in Ukraine. The essential of the concept’s of “factor” and “factors of professional development” is considered. It has been established that the factors of professional development of the public service should be understood internal and external reasons in relation to the public servant, which significantly affect the changes that occur in his professional activity. The classification of factors influencing development by various scientists is considered. It is established that the above approaches to determining the factors affecting the professional development of public service in Ukraine are mostly fragmentary. At the same time, it is well known that professional development occurs not only at the personal (individual) level, but also at the level of service in public authorities and is related to all social and professional activity in the field of public administration. In the process of professional development of public servants, it should be taken into account that the public service system in Ukraine is open, with a fairly rapid internal movement of public servants. For employees, the risk of losing their working and, on the other hand, is more likely to advance in the service, has increased; therefore, the improvement of professional development is the most important mechanism for maintaining the position and ensures rapid career growth. It was found that the professional development of public service is influenced by many factors that we have divided into four groups (socio-economic, individual socio-psychological and motivational). Socio-economic factors affecting the professional development of public service in Ukraine can be considered unregulated, since they do not depend on the management process, but they stimulate the adoption of important managerial decisions. Other factors (individual, socio-psychological and motivational) can affect the professional development of public service in Ukraine in different ways. The influence of these factors should be taken into account in the process of managing the professional development of public servants in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Качан, Я. (2020). FACTORS OF INFLUENCE ON THE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE IN UKRAINE. Public Management, (4 (24), 136-145. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2020-4(24)-136-140


