


management, project, design management, project management, educational establishments


The article describes definitions and contents of the concepts of “management”, “Project” and “Project Management”, “managerial activity” in educational sphere of society activity; Coverage of their aspects in the works of Ukrainian and foreign scholars, analyzes the content of the concept of the project and the project management process in educational institutions; Features and characteristics of the project, management of projects as mechanisms of planning and organization in management activity.

The management activity aims to create such a microclimate in the team and to the attitude to each employee, which will stimulate them to perform the functions necessary for the management of the institution.

The essence of management activity is a deliberate organization of interaction of people during collective work to achieve the main tasks of production. Its main feature is the fact that the impact is on the subject of the process, people, and human psychology is quite a subtle science, which requires certain skills and knowledge.

The project management process is functionally more complex process than traditional management implemented in Ukraine; The use of project management methods contributes to the most efficient and high-quality solution for the creation and modernization of existing systems and processes of different enterprises and organizations. Therefore, it is often considered the leading mechanism for planning, organizing and managing certain changes in various sectors of society. 


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Сучасні тенденції трансформації організаційно-виробничих струк- тур. URL: https://studopedia. su/5_4940_lektsIya-.html. Звернення 09.07.2020.



How to Cite

Кулініч, О. (2020). PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN THE EDUCATION SYSTEM: CONCEPTS, CONTENTS. Public Management, (4 (24), 202-212.


