service activities, public authorities, information and communication technologies, appeal mechanisms, administrative procedure, management services, civil societyAbstract
The article analyzes some aspects of the formation and development of mechanisms for appealing the provision of services by public authorities in Ukraine. The prospects for scientific research and the implementation of its results in the process of decision-making in public management and legal regulation of the state service policy are outlined. The main stages of development and the introduction of scientific achievements and developments into the mechanisms for appealing the results of service activities of public authorities have been determining. It has established that the influence exerted by consumers of services on their quality is, in most cases, formal and declarative and in no way ensures the existence of an effective negative hyper loop in the management system. It has proven that the regulatory and legal framework in this area, which is the basis for the effective operation of public authorities in Ukraine, currently unbalanced and does not comply with international norms and standards ratified by Ukraine.
The analysis of scientific research in the field of developing tools for practical influence on the results of the implementation of the state’s service policy, historical development and conducted scientific research in the application of mechanisms for appealing the service activities of public authorities, as well as ways to improve their practical implementation.
The author emphasizes that the construction of a modern system of control over the result of making and implementing management decisions by civil society requires modernization, which is directed by its development vector towards the digitalization of public administration and the active use of information and communication technologies in accordance with world standards and international legal acts, most of which have ratified by Ukraine.
For this, the only criterion for measuring the effectiveness of this activity should be the result that is obtained as a result of its implementation, and the fulfillment of accepted norms in this and other areas, and the establishment of effective control over this process by civil society. As a conclusion, the author argues that, at this stage of building a democratic state of Ukraine, built on human-centered principles, and responding to the challenge of civil society, it is imperative to inspect outdated norms and rules in this area with subsequent harmonization and bringing them in line with the above principles and needs, for the subsequent creation on this basis of highly effective algorithms of actions in the field of mechanisms for appealing the service activities of public authorities.
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