



history, mechanisms for public regulation, anti-corruption, Laws of Manu, Ancient Babylon


The purpose of this study is to theoretically substantiate formation and development of mechanisms for public regulation of anti-corruption.

The article analyzes that the ability of the state to counteract the deployment of corruption schemes in government is a clear indicator of the effectiveness of public services and development of the country. This trend in Ukraine will encourage the improvement of public service system and open up new prospects for membership in the European Union.

It is confirmed that the first corrupt practices were found in primitive society and were most likely related to pagan beliefs. In those days, people were completely dependent on the forces of nature and tried to placate the gods by offering sacrifices and gifts.

It is determined that Babylon was the first place in the world to legislate the principles against corruption that was most often practiced in the judiciary. This document was called the Code of Hammurabi and dated back to the XVII century BC. It is proved that corruption-related offenses were most often practiced by military commanders and representatives of the bureaucracy. Therefore, to avoid corrupt practices, public officials were elected on a competitive basis. The main condition for obtaining position was education of the individual, and given that only wealthy citizens could afford to get an education, the class of bureaucracy was formed only from wealthy members of society.

It is noted that the Middle Ages were characterized by an increased role of the church in the state, so representatives of religious elites owned the untold wealth and material goods, due to which the corruption also flourished here. Although in Catholicism it was considered a manifestation of depravity and contradicted the foundations of Christianity, the history, nevertheless, points to numerous facts of trade in indulgences and ecclesiastical titles.


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How to Cite

Чорний, В. (2020). HISTORY OF FORMATION OF MECHANISMS FOR PUBLIC REGULATION OF ANTI-CORRUPTION. Public Management, (4 (24), 291-299. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2020-4(24)-291-299


