



risk management procedure, security environment, Joint Situation Center environment security strategying, national security, military security


The National Security Strategy of Ukraine and the Concept of Development of the Security and Defense Sector of Ukraine envisage the need to find scientific approaches to the strategy of environmental security in order to minimize risks and counter national security threats. Particular attention needs to be paid to the problem of the unpredictability of the security environment, which is associated with the asymmetry of threats and actions. Methods and models developed for describing the future security of the environment, shaping their vision and models of the security of the state in which Ukraine will develop in the Environmental Security Strategy will depend on the development of further political and strategic documents (state-management decisions), in which the purpose, goals will be declared and commitments.

To do this, it is necessary to develop appropriate effective tools in the form of a mechanism for developing effective strategies and procedures for their implementation, as well as requirements for working teams and a coordination (integrated) situational center to solve the problems of forecasting the future security environment of Ukraine. This will improve the basics of the public administration and administration knowledge industry.

The article elaborates an improved model of public administration in the security and defense sector of Ukraine, which is based on the mechanisms and principles proposed above to develop and implement an effective public administration strategy in the field of national security of Ukraine. Namely: the scheme of passing information flows through the stages of risk management and threat prevention and the algorithm of functioning of the information system is presented. In addition, the author presents a structural and functional scheme of decision-making on risk management in the information system strategicization of the security of the environment of Ukraine and an improved overall model of public administration in the security and defense sector of Ukraine. Based on the above study, the author proposed to create in the system of the apparatus of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine — the United Situation Center.

Practical recommendations are offered to help improve and improve the efficiency of forecasting the security environment.


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How to Cite

Дмитрук, С. (2020). RISK MANAGEMENT IN THE SYSTEM OF STRATEGY OF THE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT: PUBLIC-MANAGEMENT ASPECT. Public Management, (3 (23), 95-108. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2020-3(23)-95-108


