tourism, state security, state policy, tourism security, theoretical and applied principles of state securityAbstract
The purpose of the work is scientific substantiation and research of the formation and definition of theoretical and applied principles of state policy in the field of ensuring the safety of the tourism industry from the point of view of domestic and foreign experience. Methodology. The theoretical basis of the research was the works of domestic and foreign scientists, scientific research on the development and provision of state regulation of tourism safety. Such research methods as analysis, synthesis, scientific abstraction used; system-structural analysis and comparative. Domestic scientists R. Aloyan, V. Antonova, O. Bilotil, M. Bil, O. Borysenko, A. Horetskyi, A. Degtyar, S. Dombrovska, I. Dragan, L. Ivashina also studied the issue of the formation of state regulation in the tourism sphere V. Stepanov, I. Chernysh, E. Shchepansky, and others. Despite the fact that significant attention has been paid to the issues of assessment and determination of directions for the development of the tourism sector in both scientific and theoretical and practical studies, the problem of determining the mechanisms of state policy in the sphere of ensuring the security of the tourism industry of Ukraine requires a comprehensive methodological study Scientific novelty. Based on the results of a comprehensive and systematic analysis, qualitatively new concepts and approaches to determining the role and place of state institutions and non-state structures in determining and assessing risks, challenges and threats to the development of the tourism sphere, which is transformed into the socio-economic capital of territories, are presented. In addition, a systematic scientific analysis of the means, methods, organizational, legal and other resource basis of the development of this sphere was carried out under existing and possible trends, in particular in the context of theoretical and applied aspects based on domestic and international experience. Conclusions. Attention is focused on the fact that, among all spheres of state-administrative development and functioning, ensuring security in the field of tourism is one of the priorities of the state policy of any state, which must be ensured through the prism of international standards, taking into account national interests and needs.
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