state support mechanism, public-private partnership projects, socio-economic development of regionsAbstract
The methods of state regulation that can be applied to public-private partnership projects in the regions are studied. It is determined that the implementation of direct regulation measures has its "pros" and "cons" - a high level of efficiency due to the rapid achievement of economic results, on the one hand, and creating obstacles to the market mechanism and its weakening, on the other. Methods of indirect regulation assume that the state lays down the conditions that, in making independent economic decisions by economic entities, directed them to options that meet the economic goals of the state. At the same time, with indirect regulation, temporary lags between the state's adoption of economic decisions and measures, their "perception" by market participants and the final economic results that meet the state's economic goals are inevitable. The stages of development and elements of success of public-private partnership (PPP) are identified. Most countries, including Ukraine, are currently only in the first stage of PPP development with a relatively small number of ongoing projects. The fundamental factors of PPP success, as evidenced by world and national experience, are: the political will of the state, the availability of the necessary legal framework and regulatory system of PPP; availability of project flow, depth of contract processing and ability of financial markets to provide project financing; the level of legal and economic training of managers and specialists of executive bodies involved in PPP projects, professional skills of project participants, willingness of the parties to compromise and find ways to resolve disputes. The field of public-private partnership is becoming more widespread in the world, both in geography and in areas of application. In many foreign countries, especially European ones, which have accumulated solid experience in this field, the next step has been taken - the organization of international competitive bidding for the construction of infrastructure facilities and public utilities management has been launched within the framework of public-private partnership. Energy, waste disposal, ecology, telecommunications, housing and communal services are becoming the subject of partnerships, using a wide variety of schemes, which, of course, are within the current legislation. The purpose of the article. The purpose of the study conducted in this article is to study the experience of formation and implementation of the mechanism of state support for public-private partnership projects in the regions. Methodology. In the professional foreign and domestic literature there is a considerable array of developments on public-private partnership (PPP) as a mechanism for implementing the new regional policy used in the European Union. Domestic developments on the formation and implementation of the mechanism of state support for public-private partnership projects in the regions are given in the works of Volynets L., Danylyshyna B. Kachaly T., Lysenko G., Khomenko I. and others, which in turn are based on the relevant guidelines. enshrined in the fundamental official documents of the EU and its Member States: Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland and Sweden. Scientific novelty. The classification of factors of profitable participation in PPP of the state and business is improved, namely: the state considers expectations of high efficiency of such partnership; new sources of investment. PPP allows the state to access alternative sources of capital, making the implementation of important and urgent projects that would be impossible in other conditions; reliability of results; innovations; the business receives long-term ownership and use of state assets, thus ensuring stable profits in the long run; making investments, receives guarantees of their return, as the state as its partner agrees to ensure a mutually acceptable level of profitability; having economic freedom, business can by increasing productivity, innovation to increase its overall profitability during the term of the contract with the state. Conclusions. Public-private partnership is an effective mechanism for attracting long-term investments aimed at developing innovative projects and social sectors of the economy. In this regard, the mechanisms of state support for the implementation of its projects are gaining a huge role in the modern development of public-private partnership in Ukraine. However, the mechanism of post-crisis and socio-economic development of regions and the country as a whole, built on the basis of public-private partnership, is still under development and therefore needs significant improvement of both legal and methodological framework.
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