public administration, principles, personnel management, health care, methodologyAbstract
The purpose of the research. The modern personnel management system in the field of health care needs to be improved and modernized, taking into account the current challenges associated with the processes of decentralization and a number of extraordinary events that have occurred in recent years. In the process of improvement, it is important to substantiate the complex methodology and principles of such a holistic mechanism. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to justify the methodological principles, stages and tools of improving the mechanism of personnel management in the field of health care. Methodology. The research methodology is based on a structural-functional approach to the organization of the mechanism of personnel management system improvements in the field of health care, which involves the justification of four main research stages and a set of methodological tools and principles for the implementation of these stages. A detailed description of the essence and results of the application of methodical tools allows you to predict the expected results from the application of this method. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of this study consists in well-founded proposals to apply innovative management methods in public personnel administration, namely: strategic planning methods based on an assessment of strengths and weaknesses, external and internal influencing factors, assessment of problems, risks and unused reserves, a competency-based approach to personnel assessment, GAP analysis, planned and targeted approach. Conclusions. The application of a well-founded comprehensive methodology for improving the personnel management system in the field of health care will ensure the achievement of the main goals, namely: improvement of the strategic and tactical plan for the development of personnel in the field, acquisition of soft skills by medical workers, implementation of an effective system for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of implemented changes.
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