public administration, health care system, mechanisms, low efficiency, medical careAbstract
The article examines the public administration in the field of health care, which plays one of the key roles in the implementation of domestic policy, namely the decision of the state administration to implement the concept of access to health care for all citizens without exception. The main problems of medical care for patients in the health care system of Ukraine are considered, namely: long waiting for an appointment with a general practitioner in the electronic queue, mandatory visit to a general practitioner for referral to specialists, qualification of general practitioner does not allow to treat specialized diseases, inability to provide emergency medical care, dependence of medical care on the quality of computer equipment, its absence in some patients and the stability of the Internet connection, limited access to medicines for privileged groups in pharmacies, low level of preventive measures to reduce morbidity population. The goal of the work. The purpose of writing this article is to comprehensively substantiate and analyze the problems of implementation of public administration mechanisms in the field of health care. Methodology. The proposed article states that the public health department plays one of the key roles in the implementation of domestic policy, namely the decision of the state administration to implement the concept of access to health care for all citizens without exception. It was found that the current situation in Ukraine in relation to the current health care system is characterized by a number of problematic issues in the political, technological, demographic, social and environmental spheres. Scientific novelty. The main reasons for the low efficiency of the health care system in Ukraine are identified: lack of sufficient specialists, low level of qualification of medical staff, low number of medical equipment and its obsolescence, low salaries and lack of effective incentives and motivation. It is also noted that there is a problem of inadequacy of staff training to the needs of the modern health care system; lack of funds and inability to provide timely medical care to citizens. Conclusions. It is emphasized that the main problem of reforming the medical sector in Ukraine is detachment from the vital problems of society and focus on temporary problems, rather than achieving the main goal of reform. It is emphasized that the current state of the national health care system is hampered by the lack of professional approach to solving problems, stable and confident position, stable principles of strategic goals of reforming this area, unshakable priorities of effective transformation of the industry and proper control by society.
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