language, national stability, national minorities, public policy, social systems, statehood, management decisions, social orderAbstract
Ensuring the stability of the social order – the main goal of the attention of subjects of public administration to the relevance of the choice of research topic is determined. Language is one of the consolidating factors of this process. The policy of preserving, developing and consolidating the national identity of national minorities should become one of the mechanisms for ensuring the stability of the social order, the study of this issue has actualized the purpose of the work. The main complex danger to statehood is the destruction of the social order. Therefore, the effectiveness of social management and the consolidation of society around the goals, the achievement of which ensures its security, largely depends on the solution of the problem of ensuring sustainability, in particular the national one. The purpose of the work is to comprehend the conceptual foundations of national sustainability through the prism of consolidation and the preservation of the identity of national minorities: the linguistic aspect. Methodology: interdisciplinary and systemic approaches, as well as structural-functional, abstractlogical methods. Scientific novelty of the obtained results: determination of the conceptual foundations of national sustainability; determining the role of language as one of the consolidating factors in the policy of preserving, developing and consolidating the national identity of national minorities and substantiating the basic approaches and mechanisms for ensuring it. Considerable attention is paid to the coverage of interdependence and national stability, the study of the concept of stability of the social order; the role of language as one of the consolidating factors is revealed. Conclusions. The concepts "stability of the state", "security" and "national stability" is established are interdependence. They are considered as determining prerequisites for the strategic objectives of public administration entities and for evaluating the effectiveness of their activities. The determining condition for ensuring the stability of the state is the focus of its institutions, functions and instruments of power on the preservation of national values. Sustainability and social sustainability are interdependent, and the economic, social and environmental components of the latter are closely connected. Therefore, the sustainability of the state should be considered: in the context of its relationship with the observance of the principles of sustainable development; selection of criteria to assess sustainability and development as a prerequisite for the security of society and the state. The theoretical conclusions and practical recommendations obtained can contribute to the further improvement of the theoretical foundations for ensuring national security, positively influence the preparation and adoption of effective political and state-administrative decisions, develop and implement a comprehensive, predictable, reasonable policy for ensuring national stability.
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