state policy, security, state of emergency, national prioritiesAbstract
The article deals with issues related to ensuring the main directions of state policy in the field of security during a state of emergency. The purpose of the paper is to analyse the main principles of the implementation of state policy in the field of security in the conditions of a state of emergency in Ukraine. Security implementation issues cover various spheres of activity: economy, law enforcement, state defense, demography, humanitarian support, ecology, production and other key areas. The conditions of public existence are under the influence of force majeure circumstances and emergency situations, considering the presence of interstate conflicts, terrorist acts, artificial, natural and political threats. Scientific novelty it was found that the security policy is aimed at actions that should confront the threats of the political, socio-economic, ecological and technological nature of the country's development based on protection against the influence of permanent and sudden factors of influence. It was determined that the key directions of security are: military, political, social, economic, humanitarian and environmental. Security serves as an integral element of the state's existence from the point of view of protecting the territory and citizens, and defining identity, which has a defining character for the population. The main subjects of the specified policy are defined as: the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and central state authorities that ensure the implementation of the state security policy in accordance with the specified objects. Conclusions. It was established that during a state of emergency, security measures are strengthened due to the provision of additional powers to public authorities and increased control over citizens, restrictions, and coercive actions. Further formation of security policy, including in the conditions of a state of emergency, should be based on the principles of innovation, adaptability, flexibility, efficiency and dynamism, allowing the state to respond adequately to future risks and threats.
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Про правовий режим надзвичайного стану: Закон України від 16.03.2000 р. № 1550-III. URL:
Про введення надзвичайного стану в окремих регіонах України: Указ Президента України від 23.02.2022 р. № 63/2022. URL:
Про затвердження Указу Президента України «Про введення надзвичайного стану в окремих регіонах України»: Закон України від 23.02.2022 р. № 2101-IX. URL: