



digitalization, information society, e-governance, public services, e-government, European experience, innovative solutions


The intensification of the development of the information society, and within its framework the concept of e-governance, is a challenge of our time and a requirement of accelerated globalization. More and more scientists, practitioners and analysts are directing their efforts to find the most appropriate and effective ways to achieve the outlined goals of digitalization of socio-economic processes. Ukraine does not stand aside from these processes and actively implements E-governance, taking into account the European experience. The purpose of this article is to systematize and outline the experience of European countries in the development of e-governance, compare domestic experience and develop conceptual steps to support Ukrainian progress. Methodology. Among the list of research methods, the method of comparison, retrospective analysis, systematization and generalization were chosen. Scientific novelty. The presented study contains a critical analysis of approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “electronic management”, as well as the author’s own vision. E-governance is proposed to be understood as «an innovative form of Public Administration that provides for interaction between state bodies and society through the latest information and communication technologies in conditions of accessibility, openness, transparency and high efficiency». The principles of e-governance, as well as the systematization of obstacles and problems of implementing e-governance in Ukraine, were also further developed. Conclusions. E-governance in the EU is at a high level, outlined by the strategy, with sufficient regulatory support and resources for further development. In contrast to European states, Ukraine is developing e-governance at a significant pace, some results have been recognized by the international community, but several problems that need urgent solutions have been identified, in particular: the population is not ready for changes, distrust of electronic resources and services offered by the state, insufficient funding for digitalization projects, insufficient security of information databases and innovative tools.


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How to Cite

Чуба, Н. В. (2022). E-GOVERNANCE AND ADAPTATION OF THE CIVIL SERVICE OF UKRAINE TO EU STANDARDS. Public Management, (2 (30), 101-109. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2022-2(30)-13


