


patriotism, education, consciousness, motivation


The article is devoted to the search and justification of new approaches to motivation in the process of national-patriotic education of citizens for the further successful development of the independent state of Ukraine.

Recent events have revealed problems in the process of national-patriotic education. These problems have been accumulated over the years of Ukraine’s independence and necessitated the updating of this process. Modernization of national-patriotic education of citizens should contribute to the consolidation, development of society and requires constant improvement. After the Revolution of Dignity, national-patriotic education becomes a systematic and purposeful activity of state authorities, local authorities, educational institutions, civil society organizations, citizens for the formation of a person with a high national-patriotic consciousness, a sense of fidelity towards the Ukrainian state. The basis of the system of national-patriotic education is the idea of strengthening Ukrainian statehood as a consolidating factor in the development of society, the formation of patriotism and the establishment of national values.

Like every management process, the success of national-patriotic education depends not least on successful developments in its component part— motivation. The main program document in the formation of the state policy of nationalpatriotic education in Ukraine — Decree of the President of Ukraine dated May 18, 2019 № 286/2019 “On the Strategy of National-Patriotic Education” contains directions for motivation of subjects of the educational process, but does not contain directions for motivation of subjects of manifestation of patriotic feelings, that is, the objects of the educational process. Based on the historical experience of the development of the phenomenon of patriotism, the author suggests adding new elements to the tasks of national-patriotic education and to the information support of this process. Such an emphasis will allow us to approach the formation of the necessary qualities not on the part of a sense of duty, but on the side of reciprocity, where the realization of human rights and freedoms is possible subject to loyalty and as much as possible support for the social institutions through which they are realized, that is, through the state in its broad sense.


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How to Cite

Широков, С. (2020). MOTIVATION IN PATRIOTIC EDUCATION. Public Management, (3 (23), 288-296.


