


trade-marketing activity, consumer, product innovation, technological innovation, organizational innovation, electronic recipe, orphan disease, generic drug


The purpose of this article is to study the experience of using trademarketing activities at the Community Pharmacy “Viola” and the existing global trends in the pharmaceutical business with their subsequent use in determining the priority directions of the pharmacy development.

The following questions are analyzed: 1) global trends in the pharmaceutical business (taking into account the needs of consumers and their positioning as valuable partners; using modern technologies of IT-companies for consumer orientation; developing and producing drugs from rare (orphan) diseases; increasing the number of M&A transactions); 2) proposals were made for the implementation of electronic recipes by the Community Pharmacy “Viola” (control of duplication of prescribed drugs; incompatibility of medicines; clear identification of persons with the same name; provision of sufficient capacity of cloud storage for processing millions of electronic recipes per year); 4) the method of improving the financial condition of the pharmacy through the production of medicines from orphan diseases is determined; 5) analyzed the use of a communal pharmacy trade-marketing activities (loyalty programs, the program “Living with Diabetes” projects “Marking”, “Pulse”, the application of discounts for cancerdrugs and preferential supply of drugs for palliative care for Khmelnytsky, patients with cancer disease-patients; discounts on the funds used incardiosurgery; outdoor advertising on the facades of the pharmacy; POS materials in pharmacies and visualization of drugs on shelves; training of staff); 6) the priority directions of the pharmacy development are determined.

The authors confirm that the global trends of the pharmaceutical industry development are crucial for the further development of pharmacies at the regional level, and the communal pharmacy that became the subject of the study, continuing the installation period, has some achievements in the use of trade-marketing activities.


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How to Cite

Ваганова, Л., & Родіонова, І. (2020). IMPLEMENTENT BASES OF TRADE-MARKETING ACTIVITIES OF MUNICIPAL PHARMACY. Public Management, (2 (22), 25-40.


