



state language policy, national minorities, European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, state language


The article deals with the political and legal aspects of the language policy formation of the Czech Republic and Ukraine in a diachronic section. When comparing the language policies of these countries, the following criteria were taken into account: stay under occupation of other states; was the national language official during the occupation of the country; the largest ethnic group in the country at the time of consolidation of the state/official language; existence of a special law on state/official/national language; the number of official (official) languages in the country; ratification and entry into force of the European Charter; whether special status is given to particular languages of national minorities.

The history of the formation of the Czech Republic over the centuries has been marked by the struggle for the establishment of a sovereign state, and language policy has become a cornerstone of the Czech identity.

Despite the absence of a special law on official (official) language in the Czech Republic, the key to language policy was the displacement of the occupier’s language (German and Hungarian) from the public sphere. The struggle for language has become a marker of struggle for territory, population and sovereignty. After a long period of linguistic expansion, the Czechs began to renew their language through fiction, theater, created national scientific terminology, published lexicographic sources, formed state institutions on language policy and language planning.

State language policy in Ukraine has been inconsistent, slow, hindering the resolution of problematic issues in regulating language relations, contributing to the emergence of legal nihilism, giving rise to language conflicts, and was used by Russia against Ukraine in 2014. The loosening of the language issue, the delay in the implementation of the language law, threatens the national security of Ukraine, its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Today, Ukrainian society faces an overriding challenge, which can be resolved by the Czech experience — to get rid of the colonial past in the language issue.


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How to Cite

Ковальова, Т. (2020). POLITICAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS OF STATE LANGUAGE POLICY FORMATION: CZECH EXPERIENCE FOR UKRAINE. Public Management, (2 (22), 78-92. https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2020-2(22)-78-92


