


information, informatization, information security, information society, threats and risks


The article states that the introduction of the modern information technologies in the sphere of life (cultural, social, economic, political) has significantly increased the dependence of the society and each individual on the reliability of the functioning of the information infrastructure, the reliability of the information used, its protection from the unauthorized modification, as well as illegal access to it. The following definition of the concept of information security is formulated — it is a state of the information environment that provides satisfaction of the information needs of the subjects of the information relations, security of information and protection of the subjects from negative information influence. In this definition, the subjects of the information relations can be: the state, the society, organizations, people.

The following types of information security are characterized: information security of the state, information security of the society and information security of the individual.

It is stated that the information security, based on the twofold essence of information, should be aimed at protecting both its objective and subjective component. In the first case it acts in the form of security of the information, in the second — in the form of information and mental security.

Thus, the protection of information involves a system of measures aimed at preventing the unauthorized access to information, unauthorized modification, loss, destruction, violation of integrity, etc. However, the problem of protecting the citizens from negative information is much more complicated than the problem of protecting information in general, because information risks are extremely diverse and their impact is not always obvious.

In the conditions of turbulence the solution of the problem of protection of the society in the information sphere must be complex-systemic in nature and implemented at different levels: normative, institutional, personal.


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How to Cite

Панченко, О. (2020). PUBLIC REQUEST FOR INFORMATION SECURITY. Public Management, (2 (22), 145-153.




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