state regulation, market mechanism, urban passenger transport, transport infrastructure, transport systemAbstract
The article considers generalizations of the theoretical and methodological foundations of a state regulation of an urban passenger transport. It is determined that the market mechanism is not able to fully address the existing and emerging economic problems and provision of socially significant services that include urban passenger transport services.
It is proved that the problem of the organization of an efficient regulation of an urban passenger transport remains one of the most difficult, since public passenger transport services are socially significant, and in this regard, state regulation of this industry is necessary, which has administrative-legal and economic forms, and is carried out by state and local governments. Moreover, in the process of decentralization of the Ukrainian economy, the role of local authorities in the general system of state regulation has increased.
The transition to a market economy has created new and strengthened existing problems in the field of transportation, the main of which are the deterioration of the basic production assets of the transport, a decrease of investments in the transport industry, the absence of a clear state policy aimed at promoting the formation and development of a competitive market for transport services, accelerating of processes of transition of transport enterprises to a higher organizational, managerial and technological level and to a higher level of quality of transport services provided.
To overcome the crisis, state participation in all spheres of economic and production activity of transport enterprises is required: regulatory, tax, licensing, financial and tariff. In the field of transport, the tendency of state protectionism, which requires a clear prioritization, as well as a concrete definition of the budget funds to be allocated for subsidizing the maintenance and development of transport infrastructure, should prevail.
In order to resolve the contradictions in the urban passenger transport system, an external controlling force, acting in the person of society and the state, is required. It is proved that the state regulation of urban passenger transport is a creation of a set of conditions to form adequate social and economic relations to provide purposeful development of a system that has high social importance.
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