


Social (public) security, USA, Canada, public order, public policy, local government, public authorities


The article uses the general methods of empirical cognition to study the peculiarities of implementing the public policy in the field of social (public) security in the countries of the American continent. The peculiarities of providing the social (public) security, which are caused by the political, institutional, geographical, historical factors, the conceptual foundations of ensuring social (public) security, the actual trends and the specific practical measures aimed at maintaining the public order are revealed. The current state of providing social (public) security in the countries of the American continent is investigated, which is based on establishing partnerships between the public authorities, local selfgovernment bodies with public and non-governmental organizations, academia, and individual citizens. The levels and institutions at which the public security in the American continent is implemented and the priorities of the public policy are identified, namely the prophylaxis and prevention of events that may present a real danger to the general public. Institutional, organizational and special measures are designed to unite the efforts of all stakeholders and to optimize the logistical expenditures for the public security in the American continent. It has been proven that the experience of the American continent in providing social (public) security is a set of measures to ensure adequate protection. To this end, a series of institutional and organizational measures are being taken to unite the efforts of all stakeholders. The proposals for the implementation of the public policy in the field of social (public) security in the American continent are substantiated.


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How to Cite

Піх, Н. (2020). PROVIDING SOCIAL (PUBLIC) SECURITY IN THE AMERICAN CONTINENT. Public Management, (2 (22), 177-184.


