


public administration, health care, public health, communication activities, communication technologies, health care communications, public health communications


The article analyzes the foreign sources and outlines, the approaches to communication activities and communication policy development in the public healthcare administration.

A review of the literature reveals that the issues of communicative activity of the public administration are now widely considered, as a form of interaction between the subjects and the objects of the government, which is the cornerstone of a democratic society. The same tendency is observed in the healthcare, but healthcare communications are related to a wider range of problems, as they serve as social communications that affect all the areas of the society.

The article deals with the communication activities between the healthcare administrative bodies, subjects and objects, public associations, media, and more. However, it is also noted that in many countries, for many years, there has been a lack of a standardized policy on the communication activities.

Communication approaches are characterized, which differ significantly in the developed countries with high affluence from the countries with low economic performance. It is well established that a large number of organizations in the United States are involved in the development of the policies and guidelines for communication activities, while in low-income countries such activities are often developed with the international assistance of the NGOs and foreign donors. However, it is determined that in the health sector there is no perfect scheme of interaction between all the actors of the communication process in healthcare, so each country builds its own paths in the light of the socio-cultural traditions.


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