socio-cultural archetypes, presidential elections in Ukraine in 2019, parliamentary elections in Ukraine in 2019, socio-economic crisis, institutional crisisAbstract
The research objective of the publication is to analyse the results of the 2019 election cycle in Ukraine (presidential and early parliamentary elections) through the lens of K. Jung’s socio-cultural archetypes. It was necessary to determine the reasons for the victory of the candidate Zelenskyi, who had no political and managerial experience over competitors who had been active in politics and governance for a long period.
It is proved that the result of the election cycle was the socio-economic and institutional crisis in which Ukrainian society found them. Another reason was the decline in the legitimacy of political and administrative institutions, caused by the inability to carry out successful reforms.
The models of the positioning of the main competitors during the election campaign are analysed. It is shown that Poroshenko’s unprecedented loss is due to the fact that society has not adopted a national-conservative ideology. Voters under the influence of socio-cultural archetypes chose a candidate who was not affiliated with the political class, attributing to him qualities that he did not have. The ’unsystematic’ candidate won the electoral race because society was in a state of disintegration of institutions and low legitimacy of the authorities.
It is shown that the 2019 election cycle symbolizes the end of the post-Soviet period in the history of Ukraine and the beginning of the destruction of the administrative- oligarchic model. The political and economic groups that have come to power have adopted the doctrine of ’market fundamentalism’ (or libertarianism). It is predicted that in the future the implementation of this doctrine will be accompanied by the consolidation of the raw material model of the economy, export of labour and the destruction of social obligations of the state.
It is concluded that the use of socio-cultural archetype methodology provides the key to understanding the unprecedented results of the 2019 election process in Ukraine.
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