public administration, decentralization, results, health sector, impactAbstract
The purpose of the research. The modern health care industry is in extremely difficult operating conditions. Decentralization reform, medical reform, the COVID-19 pandemic and the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine have created a significant number of challenges and problems in the operation of medical institutions. The incompleteness of some reforms is complicated by the start of others, as well as by force majeure circumstances that create additional negative conditions for ensuring the functioning of medical institutions in Ukraine. The purpose of this work is to study the main results of the decentralization changes and the impact of these results on the functioning of medical institutions in Ukraine. Because in the process of reforms, systematic monitoring and evaluation of intermediate research results is extremely important. Methodology. The methodology of this study is based on a comprehensive analysis of the results of reforms in the field of health care. In the process of such an analysis, the reformation process itself (mechanisms, approaches and methods) was studied, as well as the consequences using the study of causeand- effect relationships. The study was conducted regionally within the regional centers of Ukraine. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of this research lies in the substantiated consequences of two reform processes: administrative-territorial system and medical reforms. At the same time, the consequences of the impact of both reforms on the activities of medical institutions were assessed in detail. The advantages and disadvantages of the obtained results of reforms in the field of health care are determined. The prospects for the development of the current situation are substantiated based on the extrapolation of the results of the previous stages of the decentralization reform. Conclusions. The study of the consequences of decentralization reforms and their impact on the functioning of medical institutions has an important applied value, as it makes it possible to develop and justify a system of measures to prevent and avoid risks that may arise at the next stages of reformation changes.
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