information, security, public administration, turbulence, personal information security, threatsAbstract
The introduction of modern information technologies into all spheres of social life has significantly increased the dependence of the society safety, of each individual person, on the reliability of the information infrastructure functioning, the reliability of the used information, its protection against unauthorized modification, as well as illegal access to it. The needs of modern people have changed and expanded significantly, and the demand for information security has increased. Based on this, there is a need to ensure information security, primarily of the individual, as the bearer of individual abilities, character, and interests. Under the conditions of turbulent phenomena, the global information society exerts a significant influence on the formation and activity of the individual, creating for him not only new opportunities, but also significant threats. Thus, the study of negative informational influences, approaches of public management to the preservation of information security of a person, his/her mental health is an important and urgent issue of the state information policy. The purpose of the article. It is necessary to reveal the concept of information security of an individual and to investigate the approaches of public management to its provision. Methodology. Among the list of research methods, the method of systematization, generalization and retrospective analysis was chosen. Scientific novelty. Further development received: a historical overview of the main approaches to the concept and signs of personal information security, public administration approaches to ensuring personal information security both at the state level, which takes into account the improvement of the legislative framework and at the personal level, its ability to resist information threats and preserve mental health under the conditions of negative information action, which depends on the formation and development of the culture of personal information security. Conclusions. The effectiveness of legal mechanisms for countering challenges and threats to personal information security directly depends on the level of legal protection of personal information security. However, solving the problem of ensuring personal information security should have a complex systemic nature and be carried out at different levels (legislative, administrative, personal).
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