normative mechanism, public administration, extraordinary circumstances, European integration, national securityAbstract
The progressive development of modern society is impossible without the evolution of the structural elements of public administration and all areas of its life, as well as the improvement of national security. The effectiveness of public management under extraordinary circumstances, which depends on the effectiveness of the mechanisms used in the formation of the management system, is analyzed. Therefore, the development of public management mechanisms under extraordinary circumstances is one of the priority tasks of state policy, especially in modern conditions. Throughout the history of the development of civilization, every state is forced to search for the most effective means of countering constantly emerging emergency situations. At the beginning of its formation and development, natural disasters were the main and, perhaps, the only threat to the state and society. With the development of technical progress, man-made accidents and disasters have been added to the threats to humanity. It is noted that a set of circumstances, such as large-scale emergency circumstances both on the territory of our state and near its borders, the actions of criminal organizations, individual representatives of political elites, may very likely lead to the emergence of dangerous factors capable of affecting public safety, the stability of the economic development, the security of the state as a whole, and therefore the elimination of deliberate destructive actions may require a different from the usual way of settling the situation, managing it, including other political and legal influence using, for example, the institution of extraordinary circumstances.
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